At the event, that was held at the Intercontinental Hotel, Fortuna hall, attended more than 70 persons from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of European Funds, the Ministry of Public Finance, the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, and also officials of the Royal Norwegian, the Embassy the Republic of Moldavia and mass-media representatives.
Mr. Quaestor Nelu ZĂRNICĂ, Subsecretary of Stat at the Department of Intelligence and Internal Protection, emphasized in his speech the importance of the project in the context of fighting against organized crime, in order to ensure the security of the European area, and appreciated the support of the Kingdom of Norway to achieve this challenge. Also, he expressed his gratitude both to the funder and to the Romanian authorities involved in management of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. In the same framework, it was highlighted the importance of the cooperation between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Moldavian Republic, beneficiary of the above mentioned project, through participation of the 10 specialists in the following training activities in the 2015.